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Medcare launches centre-of-excellence for physiotherapy and rehabilitation in Dubai

42314ewq.jpgMedcare, a leading premium private medical provider in the UAE has launched the Medcare Physio & Rehab Centre, a state-of-the-art Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation centre-of-excellence, in the Emirate of Dubai. The facility has been set up to compliment and support Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital and with the aim to offer comprehensive Physiotherapy, fully-fledged Rehabilitation Program, Sports Injury Care, Advanced Joint Care, Post Operative Assessment and Mobility. It also additionally provides services such as Advanced Neuro-Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Advanced Paediatric Rehabilitation with full fledged Sensory Centre.

Speaking at the launch, Ms. Alisha Moopen, Director of Aster DM Healthcare, said: “The Centre is equipped with the latest specialised equipment to undertake rehabilitation for all physical injuries, deformities and ailments. It is a unique concept that caters to the entire community of Dubai and adjoining Emirates. The facility is operated by a team of highly skilled therapists with a leading Physiatrist on board. Tapping into the growing demand for a specialised rehabilitation centre, the Medcare Physio & Rehab Centre is the first-of-its-kind facility offering a comprehensive range of rehabilitation therapies under one roof.”

Medcare is part of the leading healthcare conglomerate, Aster DM Healthcare. The Medcare Physio & Rehab Centre was officially inaugurated today by H.E. Mr. Cheong Ming Foong – Consul General of Singapore, Mr. Shamsudheen A.P. – Director, Regency Group and Dr. Azad Moopen, Chairman and Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare, amongst other senior officials of the Group.
Speaking at the launch of the Centre, Dr. Moopen said: “We are very pleased to launch Medcare Physio & Rehab Centre in the UAE. Post many illnesses, physical trauma or injury, it is very important for patients to undergo the right treatment to ensure complete recovery. With sports and games a part of the culture of the country, a Physio and Rehab Centre will have huge significance. With any person, be it a heart patient or someone facing physical challenges or injuries, the right focused care is important. We are happy to be able to offer this rehabilitation facility to patients under one roof, which is both convenient and comprehensive. We believe in a holistic approach looking at the body as a whole and accordingly customize the treatment plan for our patients. The clinic will offer an effective and integrated service with state of the art equipment complimented by highly skilled doctors, physiotherapists and paramedical staff,” he added.



Il Newton 3D è un dispositivo medico di alta qualità e tecnologia, progettato per il trattamento di pazienti, anche di lunga durata. Il suo obiettivo è l’allenamento muscolare multidirezionale combinato con una correzione della percezione posturale del paziente. Attraverso particolare test che danno una valutazione di forza e resistenza dei diversi gruppi muscolari e una individuazione precisa e obiettiva del livello di percezione in direzioni diverse, si ottiene un protocollo di allenamento personalizzato per rafforzare, allo stesso tempo, tutti i gruppi muscolari coinvolti, e correggere la postura sulla base della valutazione automatica della giusta posizione direttamente da parte del paziente.
